Philosophical Papers                                         
"Dare to err and to dream. Deep meaning often lies in childish plays.”

Friedrich Schiller wrote numerous philosophical papers on ethics and aesthetics. He was highly influenced by the thoughts and works written by Immanuel Kant and Karl Leonard Reinhold. Christoph Martin Wieland was the first one who introduced the term of the "Beautiful Soul". Someone who has a "Beautiful Soul" can be described as a human beings whose feelings have been educated by reason, so that the two parts in each human being, duty and inclination, are no longer in contrast to each other but has become a unity. The key term of the "Beauty" is very present in all his philosophical papers, especially in the series of letters called On the Aesthetic of Man. Beauty is not just an aesthetic experience but also a moral one because he describes that the good is beautiful. Another significant key term used by Schiller is "Freedom". "Freedom" also plays an important role in his philosophical papers because he was highly impressed and influenced by the incidents of the French Revolution. The question of human freedom can be found in many works he has written. In his drama Don Carlos, the effort of becoming free is a central topic (the revolt of the Netherlands against Spain). Furthermore, Schiller wrote two important essays on the question of the Sublime.